Roller skating at the Corn Exchange


The Corn Exchange was converted to a concert hall in 1987. Before that it had acted as a multi-functional venue for dances, wrestling matches and roller skating, as here in October 1974. The News for May 1970 reported as many as 200 young people regularly crowded into the Corn Exchange to take advantage of evening skating sessions. At 2s (10p), skating was cheaper than the cinema and besides there was “nowhere to go on Monday”?. Roller skating stopped at the Corn Exchange in April 1982 and continued at the Kelsey Kerridge sports hall. But by then the youngsters were into skateboarding, with a skateboard park opening at Cheddar’s Lane in 1978, and closing the next year. Reference: reproduced with kind permission from the Museum of Cambridge from a book in their collection titled “Memory Lane Cambridge” by Mike Petty and published by Cambridge Evening News 1999, ISBN 1859831842′ See also The First Skateboard Park.

IMG_1688 - rollerskating in the Corn Exchange
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