Dobblers Hole


By: Robin

Robin: Parallel with Sturton Street and Abbey Walk. And it was a slope, so kids used to ride their bikes down there and play all sorts of games. It wasn’t, I mean, Cambridgeshire is flat, but there was a little bit of a slope there yer know.

Pippa: What did you do then? What did you do, did you go in your go karts or a tin, or…?

Robin: Usually bikes and skid at the bottom. So yeah, just down the road from that was the scout hut, which was called St. James’s church, and it was a church because my parents were married there. It was an offshoot of St. Matthews church. And then when it, when they stopped using it as a church they turned it into the scout and cubs hut.

Interviewed by Pippa Hale and Emma Bearman, May 2023

Dobblers Inn
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